Feather Love does Europe: the video!

Thanks to the brilliantly talented Steve Pappin (Son Of Shark Pig) who I flew out to shoot my London workshop and travel with me a bit; the crazy behind-the-scenes video from my London Artist Workshop, the after party, and our travels in Italy are all captured in this rad little video… I’m coming back to […]

Feather Love Artist Workshop- London. video now available

The video from my talk at my London Artist Workshop last September is now available for purchase here. You can hear me chat about things like getting thrown out of a celebrity wedding, fasting, doing psychedelics, and other stupid stuff. You can also hear about my ideas on keeping inspired, connecting to random universal chaos, experimenting […]

i talk with my hands a lot.

People have always told me that I talk with my hands a lot… I was just editing my London Workshop video and as I was scrubbing through it, I realized it’s true! I’m cuckoo with the hands!… freak… (video shot by Son Of Shark Pig, aka Pappin, & this clip was edited & processed by […]