recent press, features & interviews

Matt and Margot’s wedding featured on EAST SIDE BRIDE. Nicki Bluhm’s interview with Kata Rokkar: “”I have found that photography paired with my music has been a very powerful thing. My photographer (Noa…) who shot the front & back covers for my new record “Driftwood”, played a very important role in defining my vibe. Artist of […]


Videos Love Artist Workshop San Diego: Love + Bash, Please: love artist workshop, London- i talk with my hands a lot: Azoulay-Sclater interviewed by Ross Dean about the Feather Love Photography Artist Workshops (for Photo Night Live): Love does Europe: Love does Europe: Musea Podcast #14 – Noa Azoulay


About BIO PRESS TESTIMONIALS PRICING INTERVIEWS/ TALKS BIO PHOTO: ALEX KACHA ARTIST / PHOTOGRAPHER – Noa Azoulay I created Feather Love Photography in 2005 and within a few years became one of the most prominent Wedding Photographers in the world, pioneering the Alternative Wedding industry as a world-class creative Destination Wedding Photographer. My work is […]

i talk with my hands a lot.

People have always told me that I talk with my hands a lot… I was just editing my London Workshop video and as I was scrubbing through it, I realized it’s true! I’m cuckoo with the hands!… freak… (video shot by Son Of Shark Pig, aka Pappin, & this clip was edited & processed by […]

world tour Part 2: caught in the floods / hurricane irene

I drove up to the Catskills mountains from Brooklyn on Friday to shoot a wedding on Saturday. Because of the hurricane and how it was predicted to shut NYC down, I had my flight to Fiji changed to go out of Buffalo instead of JFK on Sunday. But, we got hit really hard by the […]

world tour Part 1: brooklyn, NY & Morning passages

I’m on a one-month trip around the world that began yesterday when I landed in NY. Self portrait. Brooklyn, NY. Teo’s apartment. Next up is the Catskills mountians for a wedding, then straight to Fiji for another wedding. London after that for my Artist Workshop. And then off to Turin, Italy to see my old […]

Matt & allison at the ace hotel, palm springs

Talk about knowing how to throw a fun party… Well-known in the music/film/arts/restaurant scene here in San Diego, Matt Hoyt & Allison Bell threw a super-fun bash over at the Ace Hotel, Palm Springs in December. (I Love the Ace and have been fortunate enough to shoot and party over there several times in the past […]