my interview in Modern Ink magazine

This was certainly the most challenging interview I have ever done. I was featured in Modern Ink Magazine (below) but ALSO had a huge interview on their blog HERE. Click on the link below to see the feature (pages 10 & 11) and HERE to read the interview. (Photo below of me in my studio by […]

my interview on Musea

My podcast interview on MUSEA… for those interested in my workshops, this will give you a good idea of the types of subjects I like to discuss. Also, I love this blog- tons of great articles and interviews…! Check it out HERE. ..More>>

my interview in photo pro magazine (uk)!

Kat of Rock n Roll Bride interviewed me in the September issue of Photo Pro Magazine! You can read the entire interview on her blog here. And she was sweet enough to mail me a copy… it’s great to see it in print, all big and glossy… ..More>>

recent press, features & interviews!

I haven’t updated all the press stuff on here for a while- I usually just put it on my facebook page and that automatically updates to my twitter… anyways, here’s some press, interviews and features I have received in the past few months!! Manequim (in Portuguese): Lady K Photography: “…Not only was it […]