workshop in the pool

The 2-day workshop at my house & studio was awesome. It might be the only workshop in history to ever partially take place in the pool…! I will have a full post soon with tons of photos etc, but in the meantime here’s a photo of me in my studio, taken by Briana Morrison Photography during my […]

Matt & margot in the catskills mountains

This is the wedding I shot up in the Catskills Mountains in NY when Hurricane Irene hit! (You can read about that here.) We got an awesome feature on EAST SIDE BRIDE today! To read all about what Margot had to say about her beautiful, Irene-drenched wedding and see tons more photos, go to East […]

world tour Part 4: Brooklyn (35mm film)

I got all my film back from my one-month trip, to see the previous posts and read all the craziness- you can view Parts 1-3 here: world tour part 1: brooklyn, ny & morning passages world tour part 2: caught in the floods / hurricane irene world tour part 3: summary of travels I guess […]

world tour Part 3: summary of travels

Just got back home. I shot most of my travels on film so waiting to get the images back from the lab and then I’ll post them here. In the meantime, here’s a summary of the past month. (Below: self-portrait in Valerio’s apartment where we stayed in Turin, Italy) I’m back home, physically, I think, […]

world tour Part 1: brooklyn, NY & Morning passages

I’m on a one-month trip around the world that began yesterday when I landed in NY. Self portrait. Brooklyn, NY. Teo’s apartment. Next up is the Catskills mountians for a wedding, then straight to Fiji for another wedding. London after that for my Artist Workshop. And then off to Turin, Italy to see my old […]