world tour Part 4: Brooklyn (35mm film)

I got all my film back from my one-month trip, to see the previous posts and read all the craziness- you can view Parts 1-3 here: world tour part 1: brooklyn, ny & morning passages world tour part 2: caught in the floods / hurricane irene world tour part 3: summary of travels I guess […]
world tour Part 3: summary of travels

Just got back home. I shot most of my travels on film so waiting to get the images back from the lab and then I’ll post them here. In the meantime, here’s a summary of the past month. (Below: self-portrait in Valerio’s apartment where we stayed in Turin, Italy) I’m back home, physically, I think, […]
world tour Part 1: brooklyn, NY & Morning passages

I’m on a one-month trip around the world that began yesterday when I landed in NY. Self portrait. Brooklyn, NY. Teo’s apartment. Next up is the Catskills mountians for a wedding, then straight to Fiji for another wedding. London after that for my Artist Workshop. And then off to Turin, Italy to see my old […]