Featured on The City Sage

My deep love for my friend and colleague Anne Sage is no secret, we have worked together many times and she guest lectured at my last workshop on the important role of social media- well she’s going to be doing it again at my next workshop in my home and studio in San Diego, June […]

recap on my bay area workshop – with photos

Wow! What an awesome and fun and full 2 days we had at my Bay Area Workshop. I am currently gearing up for my next few workshops- 1 in San Diego (at my house!) on June 28th & 29th (sign up HERE) and New York at the end of July (mailing list), plus another London […]

me, shot by chloe aftel

One of my most favorite film photographers on earth did this session with me in my home & studio about a month ago. Chloe Aftel featured me on her blog a while back and then we met and instantly hit it off. We have been friends for a while and really connect artistically. When she offered to […]