teaser trailer for my upcoming short film

I started shooting this little movie of mine 5 years ago and have been editing on and off since then- Anyways, it’s almost done. I will release it towards the end of the year. The Alchemical Poisoning of Magus Sherwood: ..More>>

Kristen & Dave (workshop shoot)

You can find out more about my workshops here, or get on my mailing list here. I set up a shoot with my good friends Kristen & Dave to model for us for my last workshop. You may recognize the stunning Kristen from the Rue Magazine artist feature I had, where she not only modeled […]

David Hurley

David Hurley: Extraordinary percussionist, musician, world-traveler, nurse & friend. Promotional shoot for one of his albums at his home in Hillcrest, San Diego. Dave plays in a band with my husband; you may remember him from these ASTRA shoots: here, here and here. Here are some of his different musical projects on Myspace: www.myspace.com/astrasound www.myspace.com/davidhurleymusic […]