Nicki Bluhm for GAP!

I’m so excited to see my sweet friend and client Nicki Bluhm in a national ad campaign for GAP! What an ICON! See more from Gap’s “Icons Redefined” collection HERE. See my past shoots with Nicki HERE & for Tim & Nicki Bluhm HERE. And the little video I shot them singing in my living room HERE. […]
recap on my bay area workshop – with photos

Wow! What an awesome and fun and full 2 days we had at my Bay Area Workshop. I am currently gearing up for my next few workshops- 1 in San Diego (at my house!) on June 28th & 29th (sign up HERE) and New York at the end of July (mailing list), plus another London […]
Bay Area Artist Workshop

my photo of nicki bluhm featured in the tomboy style book!

I just got my Tomby Style book in the mail- sent to me by the lovely author Lizzie Garrett Mettler. The book is so GORGEOUS! You can pre-order your copy HERE. (The Tomboy Style blog is HERE). My photo of Nicki Bluhm below on the right… it looks so lovely in print! And a few […]
Tim & Nicki Bluhm – Duets. (film & digital)

This is the shoot I did with Tim and Nicki Bluhm for their Duets album at my home & studio last summer. I also shot a little video of them singing that day: Tim Bluhm & Nicki Bluhm, singin’ in my living room from Noa Azoulay-Sclater on Vimeo. Their music is so beautiful, you can buy […]
Nicki & Tim Bluhm, singin’ in my living room

You may recognize Nicki from this photo session I did of her for her last album with The Gramblers. And of course, her husband Tim from The Mother Hips. Tim and Nicki asked me to photograph them for their new duets album. We shot the session a few days ago, and since they were singing […]
My photography on Nicki Bluhm’s album!

Nicki just sent me her new album Driftwood in the mail!! You can see the entire session I did with her here. My work is on the front & back and on the CD… It looks awesome! You MUST hear this gorgeous album, her voice makes all my internal worlds collide, every song is so […]
the incomparable Nicki Bluhm

I have known Nicki for years… we used to all hang out and she would start playing on the piano / guitar and singing and I was always left totally speechless. She is a beautiful, sweet lady with unbelievable amounts of talent. And she sings like a dream. An old-school west-coast dream. Think Laurel Canyon […]