UK & Holland w/ ASTRA april 2010

My husband’s band ASTRA played a show in London at Scala; and the Roadburn Festival in Tilburg, Holland. I went with which is something I try to do as often as possible. Had the most amazing time. Last July we went to Spain you can see those photos here. Part 1: LONDON. The Right Stuff. […]

ahh! i got a feature!!

Wow, what a whirlwind! Firstly, I got an EXCELLENT feature on LA Style Unveiled, who ALSO named me on their “Perfect 10” list of top ten So.Cal Wedding photo blogs! Woah! Then, this thing happened:, one of my favorite sites for intellectual, funny, sexy, pop culture content (not to mention incredible art by the […]

some old holga pics

i found this roll that i forgot to develop. some pics from our old place before we moved…. ..More>>

David Hurley

David Hurley: Extraordinary percussionist, musician, world-traveler, nurse & friend. Promotional shoot for one of his albums at his home in Hillcrest, San Diego. Dave plays in a band with my husband; you may remember him from these ASTRA shoots: here, here and here. Here are some of his different musical projects on Myspace: […]

out shooting with my husband

photos, not guns. These are from a couple of months ago taken by both of us. Stuart and I love to just go out and shoot stuff. It’s a world of fun when you can do what you love with the one you love… A pigeon contemplating his life whilst looking out into the sea…. […]

morning light

I woke up to this glorious thing a few days ago. Beautiful. ..More>>


To see some photos from the first shoot, please click here to see a previous blog. To see the session from the recording studio & read a little more about them, please click here for another previous blog. Here are some of my favorites from this shoot. ..More>>

ASTRA photo session (part 1)

My husband’s band ASTRA is releasing their INCREDIBLE album, The Weirding, with Rise Above Records in March. They wanted some band photography to accompany the release. We had 2 shoots planned, this was one of them. The second one is coming up in a couple weeks. I’ve been shooting them for about 8 years now… […]