Video: My talk for Adobe on Breaking Photographic Rules & Experimentation

ADOBE asked me to give a talk at their sold-out Creative Jams event in San Diego. I chose to do my talk/presentation about how I break photographic rules and use several forms of experimentation to keep me inspired. I wanted to talk about my “weird work” and not the “regular work” (- which is generally inspired by the […]

“Where The Hell Has Noa Been?” Plus images from my solo art show.

Last time I blogged was back in September last year. I have received so many messages asking why I haven’t blogged or posted new work recently. Well here’s the answer. Life’s been weird- as it has been I’m sure for all of us. Since my cat Russia died 1.5 years ago (he was with me for […]

Natalie & Brynn in Maryland (digital, Polaroid, 35mm, Holga)

This beautiful wedding is featured on Rock ‘n Roll Bride! For more images and details, click below. Thank you Natalie & Brynn for everything! And especially for the very kind words on Rock ‘n Roll Bride: “Besides the music, the most important thing to us was the photography. I’ve endlessly and outwardly spoken this, but […]

35mm photo on Virgin America

I took this shot on my Virgin America flight to San Francisco last week for my 2-day Artist Workshop…. Btw, Virgin, you were an asshole to me TWICE on my way back home – You didn’t let me get on my flight back & you forced me to wait 4 hours at the airport to get […]

Tim & Nicki Bluhm – Duets. (film & digital)

This is the shoot I did with Tim and Nicki Bluhm for their Duets album at my home & studio last summer. I also shot a little video of them singing that day: Tim Bluhm & Nicki Bluhm, singin’ in my living room from Noa Azoulay-Sclater on Vimeo.   Their music is so beautiful, you can buy […]

musician lisa eastman (35mm film, holga, polaroid & digital)

Lisa flew me out to Arizona a couple weeks ago to do a shoot with her for her upcoming album. A driver picked me up and took me to her stunning property where the most delightful meal was waiting for me. Lisa is quiet the gastronomical genius (homemade rose jam!? I’m obsessed). We immediately clicked and connected. I noticed how much […]