Bay Area Artist Workshop

my interview in Modern Ink magazine

This was certainly the most challenging interview I have ever done. I was featured in Modern Ink Magazine (below) but ALSO had a huge interview on their blog HERE. Click on the link below to see the feature (pages 10 & 11) and HERE to read the interview. (Photo below of me in my studio by […]
my photo of nicki bluhm featured in the tomboy style book!

I just got my Tomby Style book in the mail- sent to me by the lovely author Lizzie Garrett Mettler. The book is so GORGEOUS! You can pre-order your copy HERE. (The Tomboy Style blog is HERE). My photo of Nicki Bluhm below on the right… it looks so lovely in print! And a few […]
introducing my new workshop site! + bay area workshop + more cities!

My brilliant programmer Nicholas Iverson and I have been plugging away at this for a while, and it’s finally released: ALL the info about my Feather Love Photography Artist Workshops is now available in one spot! ..More>>
my interview on Musea

My podcast interview on MUSEA… for those interested in my workshops, this will give you a good idea of the types of subjects I like to discuss. Also, I love this blog- tons of great articles and interviews…! Check it out HERE. ..More>>
Feather Love Artist Workshop- London. video now available

The video from my talk at my London Artist Workshop last September is now available for purchase here. You can hear me chat about things like getting thrown out of a celebrity wedding, fasting, doing psychedelics, and other stupid stuff. You can also hear about my ideas on keeping inspired, connecting to random universal chaos, experimenting […]
my new portfolio site!

If you haven’t gotten a chance to check it out yet, I am extremely thrilled to share my new portfolio site,… it took forever but it’s finally up and running. I wanted to move forward from the flash design, the music, the giant logo etc and just have a good space to feature my […]
recent press, features & interviews

Matt and Margot’s wedding featured on EAST SIDE BRIDE. Nicki Bluhm’s interview with Kata Rokkar: “”I have found that photography paired with my music has been a very powerful thing. My photographer (Noa…) who shot the front & back covers for my new record “Driftwood”, played a very important role in defining my vibe. Artist of […]
artist feature of me & my studio in rue magazine!

Overwhelmed, over-joyed and completely honored to get an artist feature in one of my favorite design magazines, Rue. You can see the entire feature, story, pics and everything in their 4th issue here, (pgs 143-167 but check out the entire issue! it’s gorgeous!) And this totally mind-blowing behind the scenes video by the artistic geniuses over at Sharkpig below (luv […]
me, shot by chloe aftel

One of my most favorite film photographers on earth did this session with me in my home & studio about a month ago. Chloe Aftel featured me on her blog a while back and then we met and instantly hit it off. We have been friends for a while and really connect artistically. When she offered to […]