an honest response to an overwhelming response / belated bday post

BELATED BIRTHDAY POST- I’M 35! June 19th was my bday, and lots of crazy rad stuff has been going on! And also I thought it would be appropriate to share photos of me as a kid, because well, it’s my bday! And also because I’m feeling a little vulnerable… (above left to right. (1) In […]

my interview in Modern Ink magazine

This was certainly the most challenging interview I have ever done. I was featured in Modern Ink Magazine (below) but ALSO had a huge interview on their blog HERE. Click on the link below to see the feature (pages 10 & 11) and HERE to read the interview. (Photo below of me in my studio by […]

my photo of nicki bluhm featured in the tomboy style book!

I just got my Tomby Style book in the mail- sent to me by the lovely author Lizzie Garrett Mettler. The book is so GORGEOUS! You can pre-order your copy HERE. (The Tomboy Style blog is HERE). My photo of Nicki Bluhm below on the right… it looks so lovely in print!  And a few […]

i talk with my hands a lot.

People have always told me that I talk with my hands a lot… I was just editing my London Workshop video and as I was scrubbing through it, I realized it’s true! I’m cuckoo with the hands!… freak… (video shot by Son Of Shark Pig, aka Pappin, & this clip was edited & processed by […]

my new portfolio site!

If you haven’t gotten a chance to check it out yet, I am extremely thrilled to share my new portfolio site,… it took forever but it’s finally up and running. I wanted to move forward from the flash design, the music, the giant logo etc and just have a good space to feature my […]

artist feature of me & my studio in rue magazine!

Overwhelmed, over-joyed and completely honored to get an artist feature in one of my favorite design magazines, Rue. You can see the entire feature, story, pics and everything in their 4th issue here, (pgs 143-167 but check out the entire issue! it’s gorgeous!) And this totally mind-blowing behind the scenes video by the artistic geniuses over at Sharkpig below (luv […]

my interview in photo pro magazine (uk)!

Kat of Rock n Roll Bride interviewed me in the September issue of Photo Pro Magazine! You can read the entire interview on her blog here. And she was sweet enough to mail me a copy… it’s great to see it in print, all big and glossy… ..More>>

feather love published in the New york times!!

We shot the most amazing 2-day wedding EVER last weekend in Carmel/SF! And our pic got published in the NY Times online today!!! This story will also come out in the printed paper this Sunday the 11th!! YAY! Here’s the pic from Kestrin Pantera & Jonathan Grubb’s most excellent wedding… And click here to see […]