UK & Holland w/ ASTRA april 2010

My husband’s band ASTRA played a show in London at Scala; and the Roadburn Festival in Tilburg, Holland. I went with which is something I try to do as often as possible. Had the most amazing time. Last July we went to Spain you can see those photos here. Part 1: LONDON. The Right Stuff. […]

emma & pete

If you follow my tweets or my feather love facebook page, you might remember a few months ago when I posted about “my favorite new photographer” Emma Case. Well, I absolutely fell in love with her work and when she heard I was coming out to London with my husband’s band ASTRA, she asked if […]

the vagabond bond

I was thrilled when asked to be a collaborator on this new blog The Vagabond Bond. This is a collaboration of 10 artists who all have one thing in common: a free-spirit in approach to their art. Here’s an excellent description by the insanely talented founder Kristy (wreckless girl) that explains it best (ps: it’s […]

Emily & Royal… teaser

Thank you all for waiting so patiently! I know you really want to see all the pics from this BEAUTIFUL wedding… I promise to have the whole wedding up VERY soon. I am super excited about our upcoming East Side Bride feature too! Here is a lomo double-exposure teaser for ya, and if you want […]

my new look…

I have just launched my new website & blog featuring an entirely new look and feel, and a new logo & branding for feather love. I have been very hard at work designing all this for several months now and I am completely elated to finally be able to launch the site & blog and […]

David Hurley

David Hurley: Extraordinary percussionist, musician, world-traveler, nurse & friend. Promotional shoot for one of his albums at his home in Hillcrest, San Diego. Dave plays in a band with my husband; you may remember him from these ASTRA shoots: here, here and here. Here are some of his different musical projects on Myspace: […]

morning light

I woke up to this glorious thing a few days ago. Beautiful. ..More>>


To see some photos from the first shoot, please click here to see a previous blog. To see the session from the recording studio & read a little more about them, please click here for another previous blog. Here are some of my favorites from this shoot. ..More>>