Feather Love does Europe: the video!

Thanks to the brilliantly talented Steve Pappin (Son Of Shark Pig) who I flew out to shoot my London workshop and travel with me a bit; the crazy behind-the-scenes video from my London Artist Workshop, the after party, and our travels in Italy are all captured in this rad little video… I’m coming back to […]
roo & lamb (london workshop shoot)

See the awesome huge feature our workshop got on Rock ‘n Roll Bride HERE! To find out more about my upcoming workshops, join my mailing list HERE, and check my WORKSHOP page. You can also follow my facebook and twitter for the latest news. Purchase the video of my London Lecture HERE. Or contact me with questions. I met such wonderful, […]
recent press, features & interviews!

I haven’t updated all the press stuff on here for a while- I usually just put it on my facebook page and that automatically updates to my twitter… anyways, here’s some press, interviews and features I have received in the past few months!! Manequim (in Portuguese): http://manequim.abril.com.br/blogs/casamento-dos-sonhos/fotografia/dia-da-noiva-os-momentos-antes-da-cerimonia/ Lady K Photography: http://ladykphotos.blogspot.com/2010/06/mama-said-thered-be-days-like-these.html “…Not only was it […]
UK & Holland w/ ASTRA april 2010

My husband’s band ASTRA played a show in London at Scala; and the Roadburn Festival in Tilburg, Holland. I went with which is something I try to do as often as possible. Had the most amazing time. Last July we went to Spain you can see those photos here. Part 1: LONDON. The Right Stuff. […]
emma & pete

If you follow my tweets or my feather love facebook page, you might remember a few months ago when I posted about “my favorite new photographer” Emma Case. Well, I absolutely fell in love with her work and when she heard I was coming out to London with my husband’s band ASTRA, she asked if […]